remember that about last week or so ken, a friend from l.a. recommended me to watch 'conversations with other woman'. i was so excited about it when he wanted to pass it to me via online. what's more when i finally got it this morning yea!...
so me being a so-so in this computer thingy, just waited for ken to email me the instructions of what to do. first we tried on xp codec pack. unfortunately we realized that my dell is running on vista. then he resend me a file called VistaCodec_v514.exe., from his site for me to download.
then i had to uninstall the xp first, then only download and install vista codec pack.
according to ken, the reason for all this, is because microsoft have all the needed video and audio codec files needed to see all types of video and sound files. these packs just help to fix that, including being able to watch any dvd within media player.
owkay... thank you so much to ken for helping me to get all these thingy right. if not i dunno nothing about it at all as long as i get to watch the movie! weee...
now since i have just came back from my normal weekend morning routine, i need to clear up some house chores first. besides that there are other more important responsibilities to do like sending kids to their tuition classes etc. so the best time for me to lay down and watch the movie is definitely tonight... can't wait for that! cuz by just watching its montage (for testing hah!) already make me feel so excited :~)