4th day of Syawal! Some people already started working especially those in banking industry, and also some offices no matter in government or private sectors. While kiddos are still on Raya holidays until this Sunday! wohooo!!!... Better let them enjoy the “Krrunch” yo... Can't hassle them much also, not good occay?!!...
Basically my online timing was kinda off a bit during these days lor... I only managed to sign on around noon today. One of the "must" visit site is of course none other than my FB page. As soon as I signed on, I was like: "Oh my GOD!!!"...

A junior of my former secondary school typed this on her FB status: "Sat lg nak siap pg beraye kat umah Kak... tgh mkn cup cakes yg Kak... bg bawak balik semlm... yummy..." (translation: going to celebrate hari raya (eid mubarak) at kuE's house in a little while... am eating cupcakes now, given by kuE yesterday... yummy...).

Like I mentioned earlier, it's already 4th of Syawal now. We don't have much thingy to be served to them... there's no more
rendang and what's not!
So I quickly grabbed my car keys and off I went!...

Check-out the clear blue sky people... Aren't we feel sooooo damn lucky to have this kind of weather during a festive season? It's way easy for us though to go and visit our relatives and friends. But anyhow I had an important mission to go through first!

The main road along
Clifford School (yes, this is how local veterans called the school!) was smooth... kewl! I can't have much hope though, while tapping my fingers away on the steering wheel; with hope that the road will be just like that all the way...

And when I was about to reach the "Jam Besor" (Big Clock Tower)... Holy SH*T!!! Look at the traffic to/fro every corners of the roundabout junction people especially towards the Jalan (road) Kangsar (the 3 o'clock turning).

Then I headed straight to a local mini market. I searched everywhere, hi and low, and finally...

Thank God that there were only two tubes of
Pringles left! *phew*
You people don't know of how happy I am until now, smiling from ear-to-ear seeing what I was thinking of. Whatever it is, at least there's something that nothing at all!

And now... I am all ready with my open hearts, waiting for my guest to be arrived!!!...

Besides that, of course I also have some Raya money packets to be given away... Hah! those in the pic below are mine actually, courtesy of my lil' sis and
lil' bro hehee...
Hey! btw KL-
Kualè is not that far ler... You will only take about 2.5 hours drive :)

“It’s Krrunch Time, Get Playful!”