Monday, June 30, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
megat's name

its megat's student id for his school's library. if you happened to know chinese language then you should know megat's full name. so go figure! that word 'megat' is not on a wrong alignment occay?!!... of course it has been edited by me dammit :P

and this one is megat's recent pic taken earlier today around 4+ pm. megat's schedule on a thursday is kinda tough. so his looks speak for him. he has a taekwondo class (twice a week) at night that finished at 9.30pm. so normally after reached home and taken his quick shower, he would doze off in a split second... poor megat... besides this, he also has 3 times a week' mandarin tuition class to attend, scouts on wednesday, and mengaji [translation: learning to recite the quran rigorously in its native language, arabic] on almost every nights with his pom (po-po). but anyhow thank god that megat understands that those are for his own good ;)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
24 kl long-photos
this trailer will be played at the beginning of the 24 kl long-photos KLickr exhibition at urbanscapes 2008. you can view the full-length trailer here or here.
soundtrack: indecisive - empty decorations.
for those in and around kuala lumpur, join them at KLue's urbanscapes 2008:
date: saturday, 28 june 2008
time: 12.00pm - 2.00pm*
venue: pentas 1 foyer, KLPAC. go here to view the location map.
*the festival goes on until midnight!
the day i am listed at #1797
i am number 1,797 on the million blog list.
some ground rules of million blog list:
- you must put your blog at the bottom of the list
- if you want, describe your blog with up to 500 words.
- create a new section after every 100 blogs (i.e. 11 to 100, 101 to 200, etc.)
- once you have listed yourself, it is suggested that you write a quick post on your blog or in your sidebar saying “i am number ### on the million blog list.” you can also display a badge saying: listed at million blog list
- if you have helped spread the word: posted about million blog list, added it to your blogroll, or put the badge on your site; then you may put the name of your site in bold.
- if you find that a link is no longer valid, do not delete it. just remove the hyperlink and put a note saying “not working DD/MM/YY”
- if you find a link that is obviously spam, do not delete it. remove the hyperlink, add a strike through, and add a note saying “SPAM”
- that’s it. they may change these rules at any time as it becomes necessary.
what are you waiting for people. join million blog list and lets see how this blogsphere experiment will work.
Monday, June 23, 2008
the coconut seller
"hehe... no lar aunt. i wanna write about people of kuale, that's why", i told her.
"oh that's good of you to write a book", she said.
owh... i was like *glurp* i just do not wanna tell them that i love to write in my blog.
aunt janagi has been selling coconuts at the local market for more than 30 years. her children used to help her at the stall. but now after they all have grown up and lead their own life, she's keep selling coconuts with the husband and an indonesian helper.
normally there would be a long queue at her stall during festive seasons like chinese new year, hari raya or deepavali etc. especially on the eve of festive holidays. she will then can only go back until late afternoon.
aunt janagi is a very nice lady. she will say hi to me first whenever i bumped in to her :) go here to meet more people of kuale.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
more updates on nuffnang wild "live" blogging
(pics first, story soon...)
Posted by
ku E
7:46 PM
Labels: bloggers meet, maxis broadband, modesto's, nuffnang, wild "live" blogging
Saturday, June 21, 2008
the day i am blogging from modesto's

alright people my left hand is holding some rubber bands for some games later. the party's gonna start very soon!!!...
Posted by
ku E
7:26 PM
Labels: bloggers meet, blogging, live blogging, maxis broadband, modesto's, nuffnang
Friday, June 20, 2008
cinta manis
what i mean is we (my siblings and i) were raised in estates, like in gurun, kulim, simpang renggam, kluang, klang etc. where our father worked there as an estate manager. the estate workers would called father "tuan", and "mam" for mother. they (the workers) were so obliged with their tuan until if ever their tuan suddenly walked or drove by them when they were smoking, they would quickly squashed the cigarette or cigar (take note that the light was still on when they were doing this) in their hand and bow. i wonder if its still the same these days.
i am sure some of you people will say of "why ler kuE so kecoh-kecoh want with all this thingy" hehe... well besides that almost 100% of the location venue is in kuale, there's more of why i am so kecoh one. you wait and see arr... so make sure you people watch the movie ya... it will be screened in february next year :) support the local movies!
Kollywood comes to Kuala Kangsar
In the spirit of community, the cast of Estet promise lots of laughs, songs and dances. |
Lots of singing and dancing, and harmonial living. All these in a rubber estate where every home flies the Malaysian flag. RADIN SRI GHAZALI writes of the upcoming feel-good movie, Estet.
Young guns (from left) Farid Kamil, Jasmine Michael and Sashi Daran star in the movie. |
Mamat is set to release Estet, a film based on the multiracial background of a rubber estate. |
Known for his quirky and witty storylines, Mamat is currently filming his latest movie, Estet.
The director of the 2006 cult hit Zombie Kampung Pisang, this time portrays the patriotism and racial integration in a small rubber estate community.
Mamat said there was a sound reason for picking a rubber estate as the backdrop for his movie.
“Estate society is seldom shown on film. They have a strong cultural identity still untouched by Western influence,” he said in a recent phone interview from Kuala Kangsar, where the film was being shot.
“I was surprised to find a Malaysian flag in almost every house in this estate (in Kuala Kangsar). This is unheard of anywhere else,” he said. read more here.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
nuffnang wild 'live' blogging invitation

i was kinda shocked this morning when i found out that i have won an invite for the above. go here to read my winning entry. besides that, as a reward for writing in early to them, i have been granted an additional invitation for ONE (1) guest to bring along to the party. when i read back, then i thought that i must be one of the first 50 members who have wrote in hmm... lucky me ya... after some thoughts the whole day today, i think i might as well bring puteri insya allah... :) let alone what people gonna say... this is a way for me to let puteri experience attending some events with me around of course. after all we have always been mistaken as sisters anyway tehehee...
the next thing is for us to find a suitable attire for the event :P
for those of you wild nuffnangers who received this too, congratulations ya... maybe we'll see you all there!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
the day i became a blog tutor

surprised or not ya... when my bff kay text me yesterday morning, asking me for a favor; to teach her of "how to start a blog" hmm... what a good start my dear... after just starting on with facebook-ing few weeks ago. unfortunately she's kinda slowing down now cuz she forgot her password duhh!!!
alright, back to the blog thingy... she has an assignment to do via blogging. as you could see from the list of my blogs (ref above screenshot), yours truly have been granted with an admin access by kay for me to help her do the editing and sort. during our meet at CB at kinta city (go here to view the location), i just helped her to start a blog. while we will do the rest i.e. edit the suitable lay-out/template, contents etc later on. now thanks to me, she has known all the this and that about blogging. believe it or not ya... she doesn't even know of how to leave comments or any shout outs before this... blerk!
so people why don't you have a look and browse thru the newly created blog here. your great support and encouragement are mostly appreciated :)

btw i did advise her to start her own personal blog soon too. well in fact i have been persuading her to do it from eons ago. i also warned her that this kind of thingy can be addicted. we will see of how it goes...
here is "how to become a blogger" from kuE's point of view:
- read some interesting blogs
- make (non-spam) comments there, so the authors begin to know who you are
- start a blog, making posts commenting on some of the more interesting things that those other bloggers say
- respond to comments and links
- go to 1, repeat.
results may vary. if a rash develops, discontinue *glurp*
Friday, June 13, 2008
stupid AEH9040!!!

can you see the zebra crossing there? well i was slowing down and wanna stop for a while to give way to two RPK students on bicycles, for them to cross the road. i always told myself that i have to be alert when i was in that situation... as malaysia boleh! hmm... if you know what i mean ;)
p/s what say you lydia?
lucky me like i said earlier, that my eyes were wandering around. i was all ready if anything happened. like what i expected, THAT stupid as*hole bugger who was driving behind me, speeding from far instead of slowing down. he overtook me. when he was right besides me, i showed my angry face to him with my hands pointing to the students, to tell him that i was giving way for them first. he drove off just after the students passed us... ROARRR!!! luckily he went straight. whatever it is, you will always be in my mind lar dude... blerk!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
my humble pic make it to
i have never heard about NowPublic. have you?
i was kinda surprised to receive a flickrmail from its rep asking for my permission to use the above pic, of course with the condition that my pic will always remain my property, and whatever license i have specified will follow its use on they are actually working on coverage of healthy eating and lifestyle, and it seems that my image would be a great addition hmm... what a surprised ya for a non-pro-photographer like me! hehe... go here to read the contents of the article with my pic ;)
NowPublic is a news sharing community that uses stories, photos, and videos from sources like us.
kuE's note:
owhhh... how damn happy and glad am i to share this with all of you people :)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
kuE's pledge

as you could see from the pic, all the items that we bought were placed in shopping bags except for the take-away pizzas (far end).

kuE's note:
go here to read more about my pledge on saving the environment.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
the chronicles of narnia: prince caspian
prince caspian has finally arrived and he did not disappoint! i watched this when i had a dating with my hero on last thursday. the movie started out with a bang and kept me on the edge of my seat from the start.
obviously, some tweeking was done to the story to adapt it to the silver screen. as the novel is much more narrative, the film needed to deliver the same info and impact only more so visually. i do believe that the movie delivered an action packed adventure that kept the essence c.s. lewis' novel alive. in fact, i quite enjoyed some of the additions in the battle sequences and relationship nuances that added to the intrique of the story.
my favorite character in prince caspian is the mouse, reepicheep! he had the best one liners and stole the scenes quite a bit. i must say, he was awfully adorable for a talking rodent! keep an eye out for how he deals with the cat--quite memorable.
my only complaint is that bulgy bear needed more screen time! he was just a giant teddy bear in the book and we only got a few glimpses of him in the film. i do hope he'll be back with a bit bigger bulgy role in the voyage of the dawn treader.
the creatures of narnia were so real it was unbelievable. i truly felt transported to a different world. the special effects were so incredible, that i almost believed there could be talking mice, centaurs, badger and bulgy bear. likewise, the battle scenes and action sequences were quite realistic and could be a bit scary for the 10 and under crowd. the wolf and hag were enough to keep megat (whose THE hero i meant earlier... hah!) and i huddled together for a few minutes till the white witch was defeated once and for all!
as we drove home, i enjoyed discussing with megat the many lessons to be learned from the movie.
before i forgot, here's something i would like to mention, which is the song that played at the end of the movie... it was great. i love the tune--it was sooo beautiful and peaceful.
go here to browse their official website. and go here to read my movie reviews on the chronicles of narnia: the lion, the witch and the wardrobe.
kuE's note:
click here to read my other movie reviews. wow... it was so unbelievable that my last trip to the cinema was in december last year! :P
what are your dreams like?
last night i dreamed that we adopted a two and a half year old boy. in the dream, he was related to us and his parents died, so we brought him into our family.
although it was so sad that he had lost his parents, having this little boy join our family was wonderful. megat finally had the brother he has been begging for since he was like... err... two! the boy was the sweetest thing and, in my dream, i fell in love with him as instantly as i did with my own children the moment i found out their hearts were beating inside me.
i don’t know about you, but my dreams are so real and vivid that it often takes me time in the morning to sort out reality. and in cases when the dream really affects me emotionally, it can take me days or weeks to “get over” the dream.
sometimes, like with last night’s dream, i actually feel a sense of loss when i wake up. i adore my family and i am so content with my two children. but in my dream, i had another son - a brother for megat and a sweet new soul to adore.
what about you?
do you remember your dreams when you wake up? are your dreams ever so intense that you feel like you need time to “recover” from the experience?
Monday, June 09, 2008
does 'duyung' really exist?
let me share with you people the plot of duyung the movie. i would say duyung is a light-hearted fantasy romantic comedy. the movie revolves around jimmy (apek in his element), a nature-loving man who lives in a fishing village and spends his time looking after the environment by clearing rubbish. he has always believed in the myth told by his mother that if the environment is looked after, a mermaid would appear. and yes, the beautiful mermaid did appear... if not there'll be no duyung... duh~~
overall the movie is average and very much predictable. apart from that, "Duyung" is actually a good watch for those who need something to do to fill their time. the message that it delivers (preserve the environment) is a good reminder to us all. hmm... i wonder if there's any man like jimmy out there??
meet ah teng & nya, and mrs wong...

they have been running the business from many years ago. their first shop was located at jalan dato sagor, along the road to laksa pak ngah' shop. they moved to the new shop houses when their business rised and need bigger space. as you could see, even though their children are all became successful people-- teacher, bankers, vet., they still use sempua (see pic), a chinese calculator. when asked, ah teng told me that he still prefer sempua than any other modern gadgets no matter what.

mrs wong was so happy that i approached her to say hi. she is now whose already retired, staying at her house in talang garden. when i saw her, she was at her normal routine of chit-chatting with her friends at the coffee shop after doing her tai chi exercise. go here to find out more about tai chi.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
what i did last 2 days...

as you could see, i met with my beloved sis sheryl for "lunch" at paddington house of pancakes (PHOP) @ the curve! that was not my first time though.
for those who dunno, here's something about this place-- it’s a nice light clean looking place with good service and reasonable prices, again not a place you’d have lunch every day unless you are loaded. they have a massively extensive menu with more different types of pancakes than you could ever imagine! normal pancakes, pankoeks, blitzes, galettes? yeah i didn’t know what any of them were either... go here for the story of PHOP. i definitely recommend checking out paddington house of pancakes if you haven’t.
the meet with sheryl supposed to be at 12.30pm but i was about 1/2 an hour delayed. i woke up late that's why! hehe... besides that i was driving from pandan area to see sheryl. at first i thought that i was gonna be very late but i was wrong. surprisingly i find that the road was not bad at all for a saturday (take note that i should reach there around an hour but then i managed to get there fast enough!). i could also easily locate for a parking bay. i guess maybe its because of the new gas prices! where people are trying to start saving for the future-- NO more eating outside, shopping, etc. people are tend to spend money wisely now.
the day before yesterday--

i went to have a late lunch with puteri and my sister at bangsar village' marmalade. a cheerful brightness greeted us as we entered marmalade. a whole side of the cafe is panelled from floor to ceiling with glass windows allowing malaysia’s pride, sunny skies, to show off its hues of blue, white and yellow. the walls, floors and furnishings are bathed in warm sunlight. this is the place to go for a lift of spirits.
i ordered teriyaki treat (pictured above). it has turkey meat in the sandwich. very delicious. i felt like wanna try puteri's lasagna but i scared that i can't finish mine at the same time so i just ignore my intention. o yes... that's puteri in the pic. can you people see of how fast my puteri has grown. even when we were there at marmalade, people thought that puteri is our youngest sister hahhahaa!!!...
we then headed to OU, where my lil' sis joined us there after work. you know what people. she asked me to make sure to come longer days the next time. it seems that she always find me busy meeting up with friends every time i am in kl. i guess its true. well i have worked there for many years before so you cannot blame me ;) anyhow friends to me are like gems--
a friend is someone we turn to,
when our spirits need a lift.
a friend is someone we treasure,
for our friendship is a gift.
a friend is someone who fills our lives,
with beauty, joy and grace.
and make the world we live in,
a better and happier place.
my friday didn't complete there. all of them went back home but i drove to jalan bukit bintang to meet some ol' friends to catch up on things we missed and at the same time of course to wind down! since we stayed till very late so i end up slept over at a bestie' place in pandan area.
to some of you who i didn't manage to meet, i am so sorry guys, probably some other time ya? in fact there are actually so many more people that i wish to meet, not just bloggers but also fb friends too... argghhh!!!... how i wished that i had more time. dun you think my lil' sis is right :)
Friday, June 06, 2008
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
the first letter
use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following.
your answers have to be real names, places, and things and you can’t use your own name for the boy or girl name.
what’s your name? kuE
car: kelisa
city: kuala lumpur
boy name: kamal
girl name: kay
alcoholic drink: kvass
occupation: kinesiologist
something you can wear: (baju) kurung
celebrity: kate winslet
food: keropok
reason for being late: kissing :o)
cartoon character: kim possible
something you shout: keep it down!
GO kuE!!! GO kuE!!!
so glad tomorrow is Khamis... ready for the weekend!
malaysian petrol now cost RM2.70

petrol price to go up 78 sen/litre to RM2.70, while diesel up RM1 to RM2.58/litre w.e.f. midnight tonight :( go here for further info.
hmm... looks like i have to do some revision for my cupcakes price too? wargghhh!!!...