friends... they are the one who taught us the good, the bad, everything. thus... we cannot blame them all cuz we are the one who could decide whether the thing is right or wrong.

few days before i went to kl, i sms koboi asking about his workplace. thank god he didn't ask me back anything. well i thought since he surprised me before, then i should surprise him also. i know, from there, i could meet our other old colleagues and friends too. simple as that. anyhow koboi called me that afternoon just to say hi. i guess that was the chance for me also to know whether he was working that day. so around four something i left the house and went straight to bangsar. one thing about bangsar from the one more than 10 years ago ~ it was damn hysterical looking for parking at jalan telawi area. at least it was not that bad at bsc though. alas i found a good one after a few rounds, not far from jalan telawi 2. then i walked a few blocks from my 4wd to la bodega, headed straight to the bar counter. i asked one of the bartender for koboi. he said that koboi went out for his break.
ok that's fine. i waited for him (koboi) at one of the stools facing inside. not long after that i heard the bartender told me, "ha... tu dia". but i just make dunno. suddenly someone poked my waist from the back. "arrgghhh... ", he shouted out loud. koboi laughed but i just smiled. "ohh... nak surprise kan orang konon. so it seems tadi when i called u were in kuale... ". hehe... now my turn to surprise you lar kawan lol... koboi introduced me to all his colleagues and his mat salleh gm. like what i guess earlier, within minutes koboi dissappeared and within 1/2 an hour some of our friends came in. before that koboi already asked me, "what would you like to have. ayor buah? vodka? beer? ayor saje? alar... saya tau lar awak... ". heyyy... please lar... i told him about my life in kampung, so much different than my kl life before kan. "alar... boleh percaya ke?", he asked. up to you lar... he was doing his jobs behind the bar while talking to me. he is really good in that line i tell you. koboi asked me again about what i would like to have. i shooked my head. within seconds, he put a glass of vodka lime infront of me while saying, "sudah lar awak...". a waiter placed a set of spanish meals infront of me. i like the mushroom. it seems that its the favourite there. when our friends came, the place became more havoc. we talked and laughed until koboi punched-out +/- 6.30pm. we then went to koboi's place at pines condo. he definitely dun wanna join us in his uniform hehe... we then proceed back to bangsar where koboi brought us to a pub (i dunno the name) somewhere infront of la bodega. they all drank jugs of beer. i can't do that, i still gonna go back with mom at home ;) so they ordered vodka lime also for me. i guess i drank more than four or five glasses! adik ina sms me when i was there. she was in bsc with friends. i looked at my guess watch, it was 9.30. i told koboi that i cannot join them until so late. he asked me to stay for a while. i sms adik ina back telling her that i would fetch her in 1/2 an hour. "boleh ke?", koboi asked. ahhh... he saw what i typed from the back! i looked at the watch again, 10.30. so i told koboi that i really have to go. i kissed and hugged the rest of our friends. my head was a bit dz. i told this to koboi. ya lor... its been more than seven years... dun worry, i could still managed myself. koboi walked me to my 4wd. i fetched adik ina, wow... she met a mat salleh friend ;) once back, i took my shower and went to sleep.
as soon as i woke up around 8 yesterday, i asked megat whether he wanna follow me to 1u. since he wanna go also, i told myself, this time its okay because i was gonna meet a new forumer friend rose of mckk8286 forum for the first time. i'm not sure whether rose has a blog. i stumbled into that forum just by chance because i found out that i've been tracked by camus (one of the budak koleq). wa lau ley... he's so free meh searching for blogs on koleq, huh?!! anyhow like i told them before i never talked bad about them as almost all my generations studied there. anyway back to the earlier story. i fetched puteri and my cousin at my auntie's place before we went to 1u. as soon as we reached there, puteri and my cousin went off their own way. i promised to call her after i finished with rose. we supposed to meet for brunch at tgif. 11am, its still closed. we met infront of tgif though. we exchanged gift. she gave me some goodies while i gave her the company's diary/planner. i hope that she likes it. so rose said that we should follow what megat wants so that he won't be boring later. rose came alone. so we went to mcD instead. besides me, rose entertained megat too. rose knew how talkative was megat that day hehe... megat wanted to go to toys 'r' us. we brought him there. we talked almost everything from life, work and stuff. it was not that easy because i have megat with me. i'm sorry rose, maybe we'll meet again some other time. i called puteri. we then went to a watch shop. i told her that she could choose her own present since she already a big girl now. she chose a baby pink casio watch. if i'm not mistaken the actual price was more than RM250. but since its on christmas sale, i paid the watch for RM180 only. whatever it is, at least puteri is happy with what she got. for adik ina, i bought an estee lauder miniature parfum set yesterday at 1u too.
o yea... i almost forgot this... friday night. i met a new blogger friend annamox too! read her version here. met her at mid valley. eventually i wanted to give her the same thing i gave rose. unfortunately i forgot to bring it that night. sorry kawan... we just talked a bit... hi hi bye bye lol... she was rushing to meet another friend somewhere in shah alam. its alright kawan, there's always a next time. apparently she knows kimi, leilanie's friend also. hehe... small world kan? she was browsing thru the blogs that link from mine... walla...
anyhow i sms V on friday to let him know that i was there in kl. didn't meet him. like i mentioned here in my blog few months ago, both of us knew that we cannot meet in kl, dangerous wohh... he is one of the well-known guy in the country thats why. my place is a no no too. the best is at his place in ipoh ;)
kuE's note: oftrash, if you dun understand some of the weird words let me know okay. sometimes i may type in malay too, depends on whats gonna come out from my brain ;)