the count down for new year 2006 has started...

i know that you are steadily enter the new year that is showing up. wether you are alone, with the family, with your darling, at work for some of you, ill for some others, with your friends or in front of your favourite pc, i do wish you all, each one of u, whether amateur, professional, discreet or super talkative, excellent and explosive new year.
everyone must have been typed about their new year' resolution by now. i guess its not my style. ain't not gonna do that. every new year that comes is the same thing. ok lor... maybe i just wanna wish for these 3 important points-
1. get more monies for future (who knows whats gonna happened next rite)
2. puteri do well in her upsr exams this year
3. good success to megat too!
note to self
. . . and to my readership as well:
be sure to write 2006 on all you checks/other important documents.