oh gosh... people around me have been asking the same Q lately. why oh why...

i was at puteri's ballet friend yasmin's birthday party in karai. we were lost in the first place hehe... as soon as we reached the house, there were so many kids already. yasmin said that her mom asked me to join her inside the house.
yasmin's mom is not in a good condition. she was actually being admitted for 14 days already in the ipoh specialist centre for some kidney problem and some operations need to be done. she came back yesterday to join the family celebrating her daughter's birthday. she went back to ipoh by 6pm though with her driver. yup... that is the family of tamin generations (yasmin's mom), kinda' well known here. i believe their business has already went around world-wide.
so i went in and join yasmin's mom with another lady guest. she looks like a teacher to me. anyhow, we introduce ourselves, had some chats blah blah blah... suddenly its always come to the same old question of whether puteri and megat are my only child. then the lady asked about my age. i told her that i am 33 (never afraid to answer this type of Q anyway. what to hide rite.) . she looks damn stunned. i mean, she was really surprised. "but you don't look 33! you look younger than that", she said. i just smiled and said, "thank you". "you look so pleasantly slim; still can have more child", the lady continued. i keep on smiling at her. grr...