To the Leaders of the World,
We the Children of Malaysia speaking in one united voice with the children of the world. And especially in this hour of sorrow with the children of Gaza;
We the Children of Malaysia speaking in one united voice with the children of the world. And especially in this hour of sorrow with the children of Gaza;
- Call all world leaders to stop the conflict in Gaza Now.
- Call all world leaders to stop all violence against children Now.
- Call all world leaders to make it a crime against humanity to kill, injure and displace even one child in any conflict Now.
- Call all world leaders to love all children regardless of race, religion and nationality Now.
- Call all world leaders to recognize the rights of children to live and grow up as Peace-loving, responsible and caring adults now.
We the children pray and hope that this message will open all World Leaders’ eyes and hearts to do the right
thing now.
Listen to us Now! Stop War Now! Love us Now! Be True World Leaders NOW!
The Caring Children of Malaysia
One Malaysia, One Voice
this is really an excellent idea. for me, i support whatever activities involved children.
the education ministry came up with a brilliant plan to set up "one malaysia, one voice' campaign to be held until 20th february, to organise various programmes and activities to raise awareness among students on freedom and peace. the activities for students in private and international schools include organising poster-drawing competitions, essay and poetry-writing competitions with the themes of anti violence, anti war, peace and freedom for students in primary and secondary schools.
the students would also be encouraged to write to their counterparts in palestine, and these letters would then be sent to them through wisma putra.
the ministry did not want students who might have witnessed the news reports of attacks in gaza to have a negative impression.
i would like to encourage all parents to develop this campaign with our kids from the comfort of our home. of course we as educators and parents want them (the students who are also our kids) to understand humanitarian values and that violence cannot be ignored. it is our role to guide and educate them on peace. this is also a kind of a way for us to value family bond.
i was at klcc with a friend on last sunday. he recorded a video of me via his mobile. a cute lil' girl saw it and smiled at me. she's such a darling. she has this cute lil' smile that reminds me of children in gaza who seems unable to smile like her. this incident really saddened me. take note that i snapped the lil' girl's pic with permission from her mother. i also left her (mother) my flickr address on a piece of serviette. i am sure they have seen it by now :)
according to education deputy director-general (general education operations) datuk noor rezan in malaysia hari ini on tv3 earlier this morning, the ministry would work with media organisations to highlight the best letters while outstanding essays would be put on the "one malaysia, one voice" website at .
the public can make donations to the palestinian humanitarian fund in the form of cheques payable to MESCA Treasurer, to:
The Secretariat of the Palestinian Humanitarian Fund
Public School Management Division
Education Ministry
Third and Fourth Floors, Block E2, Parcel E
62604 Putrajaya
(for attention: Assistant Principal Director (Policy Sector)
they can also bank in their contributions at the MESCA account at public bank under the account number 3077068628.
education minister datuk seri hishammuddin tun hussein is expected to hand over all donations to a representative of the palestinian government in malaysia.

according to education deputy director-general (general education operations) datuk noor rezan in malaysia hari ini on tv3 earlier this morning, the ministry would work with media organisations to highlight the best letters while outstanding essays would be put on the "one malaysia, one voice" website at .
the public can make donations to the palestinian humanitarian fund in the form of cheques payable to MESCA Treasurer, to:
The Secretariat of the Palestinian Humanitarian Fund
Public School Management Division
Education Ministry
Third and Fourth Floors, Block E2, Parcel E
62604 Putrajaya
(for attention: Assistant Principal Director (Policy Sector)
they can also bank in their contributions at the MESCA account at public bank under the account number 3077068628.
education minister datuk seri hishammuddin tun hussein is expected to hand over all donations to a representative of the palestinian government in malaysia.
