as you could see from megat's pic, he looked damn happy and excited. why not huh?!! last's mother-and-son's outing was my latest surprise tricked on him after all hehee... i love to surprise my loved ones i.e. this one. i know, i know that i have mentioned this many times before. but tell me which parents won't feel glad to see their kids' happy right. like what mya told megat, i am sure he would be very glad to tell his friends about last night, that he got the chance to watch the movie way earlier than anyone else. take note that the country's screening date for this move is on the 13th. megat told me that “no wonder ler mama asked me to bring my madagascar bag and wear the south africa's animal cap that bah (megat's grand auntie) bought for me”.
besides mya, i also met aku betul!. well i remembered his blog url in a glance because its unique. don't you think so people? —aku betul! is “i am right” in malay language. mya and aku betul! were also part of the bloggers i met at the nuffnang sharing session @ the apartment, other than marcus whom i bumped in to recently too :~) roarrr!!!... look at that people— ain't bloggers life wonderful enough(?). we are surrounded by very nice people. thank you so much nuffnang for all the great events so far...

now let me tell you people about madagascar: escape 2 africa— it was a decent movie overall, even with the unfinished scenes and rough rendering. some of the movie was in storyboard still, but it was still a pretty good watch.
i guess one of my favorite aspects of the movie was that it was fairly short. short, simple, and it gets the job done. it shows how alex the lion meets back with his pride and rejoins by overcoming some personal obstacles, and growing as a character. neat, clean, simple movie.
some of the problems i had with the movie was how it failed to focus on the four characters. sure, it's obvious that the focus of the film is on leo the lion and his father, so let's keep it like that. all that extra stuff with the other characters seemed unnecessary and foolish.
with all things considered, 7/10. nice try, but this ain't no wall-E or toystory. dreamworks just doesn't have the flare that a pixar animation product has.
what's next? maybe i'll take a look at that bolt movie from disney...
