hello people, actually i wanna post about the 10-tag that Nah did on me. unfortunately i'm too excited to post the pictures that i've just took hours ago. never mind lor, maybe i'll do it next ;)
the first set of pics were taken at auntie yan's place in kampung kuala dal. she called us (grandma, my cousin sarah's maid susi and me) for tea. puteri and megat followed my parents for a day-trip to kl. i decided to stay because i have so many things to get ready for my absence during my course in ipoh in the next 4-days.
the first set of pics were taken at auntie yan's place in kampung kuala dal. she called us (grandma, my cousin sarah's maid susi and me) for tea. puteri and megat followed my parents for a day-trip to kl. i decided to stay because i have so many things to get ready for my absence during my course in ipoh in the next 4-days.
look at this... auwww... cream-puff, my fav ;)
l-r: cream-puff, mamak-style fried mee and fruit cake, all made by auntie yan.
while the other set of pics were taken from our visit to another auntie, enda teh's home in bukit chandan after that. ohh... look at baby anisha, she's much different from the last time i took her pic.

kuE's note: weekend were spend with family and relatives only. i cancelled my trip to kl for pgl-the musical because a staff' father passed-away yesterday morning that's why. i visited the family accompanied by my puteri. it was so funny that i wore my black 'abaiya' (full gown) with matching veil for the first time hehe... my dad bought for me few years back when he performed his haj in makkah. puteri wore hers too.