i'd have to say that i very much damn enjoyed the movie, the best one yet. however, i must also say that there was much left out to fit the story into a lean two hours and roughly thirty minutes.
there is absolutely no dobby or winky (both of whom were crucial to the plot, but the work arounds were decent).

no S.P.E.W.
the movie starts out at the weasly house instead of the dursley's.
they don't show any of the actual quidditch world cup, and instead of sitting with the minister of magic harry and co. sit on the very top of the insanely large arena.
only one classroom scene, which couldn't be cut for obvious reasons.
only one scene with sirius.
the dragon scene was so damn fantastic. megat even hugged and closed his eyes to me when it comes to the scary scene at the grave :)
i highly recommend this terrific fourth harry potter movie to both fans of the books/movies and those who have never seen or read any of it. well worth the tgv ticket prices (RM6.00 and RM5.00 for adult and child respectively).
okay, okay... enough about the harry potter movie. at least i got to watch it on a sunday, at last!
okay, okay... enough about the harry potter movie. at least i got to watch it on a sunday, at last!
i already told megat about my plan yesterday but didn't tell him of what movie that we gonna watch. forget about the chicken little, cuz he already watched it with his cik wah, wan chik, chor (puteri), wanna and pah nabilah during the third day of hari raya. in the first place i tried to call the tgv kinta city to make a phone booking before hand. this is a box office movie man!!! but unfortunately the girl said that for the time being they accept phone booking for all movies except harry potter. wa lau ley... even my complimentary tgv tickets that my sister gave me are not acceptable for this movie. thats not a problem anyway. so i have told myself that i need to get there as early as possible.
i woke-up after 7 but only started to get megat ready after 8. at the same time david called all the way from vancouver! i was so damn happy although we managed to talk for a short while. we missed each other so much. i need to be in ipoh asap anyway. so we only left for ipoh around 9.10. reached there less than 25mins as usual. told megat that we need to buy the tickets first. huhu... so we straight away rushed up there and *phew* lucky me! then only we went for breakfast at mcD (megat's choice, of course).
as soon as we came out from the movie, megat begging me to go to the mph bookstore. he has been collecting this jackie chan magazines. so i bought for him that and a chicken little activity book. i didn't buy any books as i still have piles of them not finish reading them all yet at home. i just flipped through some quilting magazines. huh... maybe just reminding myself of the good old days that i concentrate on my quilting hobby. i always hope that i would get back into this someday... yea... someday... but at the end i bought something for myself. guess what?!! its the simply pilates mat kit box including a cd! hehe... have been longing to start this months ago. i will try to squeeze it in somewhere in my daily schedule anyway :)
fyi i never do any exercises at all. but it was truly amazing when i managed to climb the great wall of china in beijing with my auntie right to the top, last august. my auntie is 53, went for jogging every morning. she also keeps fit by going to aerobic class maybe once or twice a week. so it was definitely a very simple thing for her. me? well, my average weight is normally around 41 to 43 kilos. i don't have any tips, basically i eat whatever i wanna.
here's what my 9 important points that i practise anyway.
1. never skip breakfast, its the most important meal of the day. the best breakfast meal is the post cereal. believe it or not, i ate this almost everyday during sahur!
2. drink lotsa plain water daily. doctors advise us to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. but for me, i usually had mine much more than that, maybe like more than 10 glasses? i brought a long my own bottle of water whenever i go out also, just afraid in case i cannot find any.
3. i will always make sure that i never missed my extra daily supplement of vitamin B, C and E tablet (all-in-one) every day that i normally take after breakfast.
4. no no to soft drinks, caffeine, sugar and junk foods. i use to be a terrible addict of coffee but i have stopped that more than a year ago. i have been drinking ovaltine malt without milk since then. whatever it is, i would still drink some caffeine type drink whenever i go out meeting friends etc. once in a blue moon okay what... arr?
5. i never say no to chocolates, alhamdulillah i managed to maintain myself like this. i guess in this case, lots of water really helps.
6. i eat rice at least once a day. that means, if i already eat rice for lunch, i won't do it again during dinner. also, if i eat nasi lemak (which i do only once a while, NOT every morning) for breakfast, i'll make sure to eat less rice for lunch/dinner.
7. i seldom eat dinner. like item no. 4, once in a blue moon only.
8. i will make sure that i will sleep at least 2 hours after i had my meal; especially like item no. 6.
9. last but not least, the most important thing that i practise from my younger years is to kempiskan my tummy whenever i walk. hehe... this one kinda' tricky one huh?!!