L-R: liyana, ina (squeeeeeeezed), ida, sarah, nivin, illa, kuE (and one missing shanaz).
taken by basheer(?)
special guest
clockwise from left: auntie mia, enda teh, auntie mek, my mom & me.
megat & auntie mek
i went back at mid-day as relatives kept coming to our house. everyone from near and far were here. my staff also came after they have finished their work. not forgetting my god-mother auntie mek (pronounced mik) who came all the way from ipoh just to visit us for hari raya along with her dot dot dot and dot dot dot, in two other cars. i could say that it was her unofficial trip as there was no official protocol or what so ever. as usual, my sister came with her digital camera when we were at the dining room with auntie mek. "ahhh... this is the hardest part when ina is around", auntie mek said after a few bites of my sister's home-made muffin, followed by a quick laughed by all of us. before auntie mek went off, she gave the kids duit raya. guess what she created a new category under "unmarried" that make my unmarried sisters, brother and cousins also got the chance to receive duit raya from auntie mek and thats including me! lol... ;)
yea... my sister took most of the pics yesterday. i'll update them here after sunday 6 november 2005.
since visitors non-stop coming to our house, my sisters and cousins including me went to our grand-auntie's house later in the evening. we just visit her for the sake of meeting her for hari raya. we then adjourned to another grand-auntie's (late grand-pa's sisters) house around there too. then the last house that we went to was my dad's youngest sister. really had a heavy meals there *phew*
since we are in the millenium years, i also received lotsa raya sms'. these were part of them:
31 Oct 2005 21:55
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin. dari zilhaziq
3 Nov 2005 08:26
Selamat Hari Raya...!!! Raya kat mana? Other fon KO. Balik t'ganu later. maybe 4th raya going up north... Will let u know... V
3 Nov 2005 09:48
(kuE's note: sentimentalnya bunyi...)
4 Nov 2005 15:32
Selamat Hari Raya. From Akiko.
... plus many many more. sometimes i wonder that no one seems to care about the traditional way of sending the hari raya cards anymore. for me, wishes thru cards are more meaningful. but i myself didn't have the time to do that this year. so i didn't buy any single greeting cards from my favourite gift shop memory lane. anyhow i still have to dig some from our old stocks. this is because i still received some raya cards and i have to reply them, namely to auntie gai. she was together with us during my beijing trip last august. in her card, she told me that she will be joining her son who is an accountant to riyadh (insya allah) in october 2006. i also got one card from my first bf, rizal who is now based in ipk jhb (hmm... wonder whether sheryl stumbled into him there lol...). well no matter how i will definitely reply all the cards that i have received.
kuE's note:
8/11/05 ~ uploaded 'girl cousins' pic.
9/11/05 ~ added more pics.