anyhow if not because there's a discussion between parents and teachers at puteri's school this morning, i would have still be in kl by now lol. there will be some extra classes for puteri starting next month. this is a good initiative of the school teachers. puteri still in kl, enjoying her holidays. she will be facing the upsr exam next year, so thats why she is enjoying herself now.
i went to kl last saturday with megat and mom. for my kl trip this time, basically there were two important reasons i.e. first we went to cousin shanaz house-warming bbq party at putrajaya and the other, i met a very special friend for the first time! i didn't take any pics at shanaz's place. i dun have digicam. i also lost my purple colour nokia 7250i few months ago :( taraaa.... i still managed to put-up some pics of the party here with the courtesy from my cousin nivin. tqsm my dear.

front row from left: sarah, shanaz & liyana. back row from left: illa, ida, ina, nivin & me.
alright... banking at rhb sj yesterday morning was really sucks. things that could be done within minutes, took them hours to settle. grr... so i decided to do the banking stuff at the other bank in pj next time instead. at least i have another good excuse for me to drive down to kl again lol.
anyhow my most important "to-do list" yesterday was my lunch-cum-blind date with a very special friend. guess who?!!... hehe... i dropped-off megat and mom at MV (hehe... midvalley lor..) then i drove straight away to jalan raja chulan. i parked my 4wd at the weld basement parking area, walk across to the opposite building. gosh... i forgot the name of the building tho' lol... our meeting point was at the coffee bean. i didn't see any sign of her so i joined the queue. suddenly she sms me that she was on the way down, so i decided to just wait for her outside the shop. i sat on one of the chairs when my staff called for some problems back home. suddenly... ah ha... leilanie walked right infront of me. i smiled at her and quickly end my fon conversation. we walked in, ordered some food and drinks (ya lor... lapo hehe...). we chat while eating our lunch. i felt so damn excited meeting leilanie for the first time. at one time, i dun feel like eating anyway because i was so truly
damn EXCITED!!! but at the same time, my stomach was singing damn loud, so i decided to eat too rotfl... we talked about everything... our life, family, work, blogs, Zed (hehe...), etc etc etc. i tried to take pic of leilanie using my new nokia 6680 that i juz bought on sunday in 1u. unfortunately its not captured. i dunno what have i done wrong. i am so sorry kawan. hmm... that was the fact that i didn't read the user's manual yet lol... luckily leilanie brought along her digital camera too. looks like i'll post the pics here after she email me the pics as promised. i am soooo sorry again, kawan.
kuE's note:
i) pics at shanaz's bbq party taken by auntie mia, using cousin nivin's nikon e4300.
ii) 16/11/05 ~ added pics of leilanie and me, using her digicam. read her version here.