as soon as we saw lau-se goh and his friends at a dining table near to one of the side doors, all of them were like so relieved and said this in mandarin to megat— ”wahh… you are late. we were so worried if you are not coming”. i told lau-se goh in malay that we had our break fast, and then only we went there.
“ayo… akak… i thought megat won’t be coming”, said another lau-se in malay.
“megat break his fast first”, i replied.
“o ya… sorry, almost forgot”, the lau-se said.

then they quickly put some final touch for megat. it was a dinner function. the entire guest had dinner first, then it was officially started at 8pm sharp (not like malay’s promise i tell you)! first of all as usual, there were speech, speech and more speeches. megat and friends dance performance was the first one. the second one was about after 45 minutes later. i didn’t take pictures of them dancing as the hall was fully crowded with round dining tables. i only took a pic of the above. i guess it was okay rather then nothing ;)
we left the place at about 9.30pm. we dropped-by at kat kopitiam for some snacks. fyi all the chinese owners of that kopitiam are megat’s friends. he was so excited telling them about his performance. we found out that one of them was at the hall earlier with intention to watch megat dance but too bad she was not allowed to go in as she didn’t buy any ticket. we also understood that the function was organised by the MCA committee. so i told megat to say sorry to them because megat didn’t know that to get an entry to the dinner were by tickets only.