megat's school already started their sports practice today, with the blue house on monday. i waited for him inside the school gate around 5.20pm with an umbrella in my hand. yes it was drizzling... also my oly in the other hand. and while still waiting there, i thought why not i snap a pic of my view there, as its kinda nice. besides that i wanna show you people yut loy's location, thats so near to megat's school -- ref to the pic, its the one that the first shop house of the other block. you could see an old type of shop house' window, its right in the middle of the pic ;)in fact we went there to have our tea time. as soon as we ordered our food, megat asked about kechik. oik! like as though he knows that we were just sms-ing with each other earlier, before i drove there. kechik, fyi megat was the one who wish to talk to you beb...