Working together for a living planet

Saturday, January 05, 2008

breaking up, or staying together

i think so many dating relationships reach the point where you come to think do you break up, or stay together. what circumstances or guidelines do you use to judge these things. reading a book a few months back, Epp's how not to marry a jerk, had one of the most telling or helpful suggestions in the book. he suggested that you should be in synch in three areas for a relationship to work. they are honesty, trust, and intimacy. he suggested that all three areas should be in synch for you to know a relationship is in line. when it is not, the relationship may go sour.

two out of three, while it ain't bad, is like a stool with three legs and one leg is way shorter than the other. things are always going to be unbalanced, and the party that is more engaged in the relationship than the other is always going to feel on edge, simply because they are on edge. what do you do at this point? if you want to hold on to yourself, and not waste time, you should openly discuss this with someone rather than sitting around waiting, and feeling like you are tolerated rather than being wanted. it is difficult to feel that you are barely tolerated and not wanted. when this is the case, the relationship is can not be sustained.

if you two have been together for awhile, and have had some good times and you may feel that this is only due to a stressful situation at work, or perhaps some emotional immaturity on that other person's side; it may be possible that things can work out, and that relationship can turn back into balance. if after a conversation things don't fall back into place it is time to move on.