i have never seen this in my life. a glue-like gadget to add more flavor to your bread. it looks safe enough to be carried in a pocket without messing things up.
i am taking a break from work now. i was browsing thru my blogroll, when i found that zuhri's posting on fotopage today was kinda interesting. i thought why not i gave it a go.
i do not have all those hi-tech camera. i was just using my nokia 6680. like zuhri, i held the cam-fon with my right hand high up at 45 degree and used the camera's self-timer. i am still here in my office though with the help from the out-door natural lighting ;)
so for those of you reading this, maybe you could consider this as a tag too. i would also like to see you do your own self-potrait... :P
we have just arrived back home from penang. the main plan was to watch movie. other than that, we decided to go there instead of ipoh, just to have some difference than the normal weekend outing. ya... i know that its first term school break but eventually i did not have the time to fully spent it with my kids. anyhow we are so lucky that work and home are damn near ;)
we left kuale as early as 8.50 am i think, even though the first movie that we wanted to watch only started at 12.20 pm. well just like any other shopping mall, gurney plaza would be congested by afternoon, thus to find a parking is quite difficult. that's why i prefer to be there early and get to park my 4wd easily. so we killed our time by shoppinnnggggg!!!... :) btw guess what people. that was the first time we watched movies there at gsc gurney plaza. i understood that its the second largest after gsc mid valley.
but then in between the first and second movie, we went to food loft for our lunch. actually its all thanks to cedric and 5Xmom for posting about the outlet. this is what we called the wonders of blogging too! cuz if not i do not even know about it, although i have been to gurney plaza so many times. so i simply kept an eye for it when we were there since morning. i guess maybe i could give foodloft 8/10. the place was simply fabulous. i would definitely recommend it. they served many kinds of food from chinese, thai, western and japanese cuisine. the concept was just like marche at the curve where we were given order cards to order our food.
kuE's note: can you spot my mirror-image in the above pic? ;)
now, since its been quite some time that we didn't watch movies, we really gave it a go with two movies this time—bridge to terabithia and mukhsin. what i could say here is that both movies were about friendships of love between two young generations. in the end, both directors really make the audience in tears.
in bridge to terabithia, leslie died when she wanted to cross over to the other 'kingdom' with the rope that she always used with her good friend jess. jess was not around that weekend. his music teacher, miss edmunds brought him along to visit a museum in town. one thing i like about this movie was the music class. miss edmunds played musical instruments very well, that make her students enjoyed the class so much. kuE's rating: 9/10.
while in mukhsin, mukhsin fell in love with orked. but their relationship stop half-way when mukhsin has to go back to his hometown when the school started. the plot was just damn simple. in fact yasmin dedicated the movie to both her parents. they were even featured along with the crew, together with yasmin, after the movie ended. kuE's rating: 7.5/10.
so why wait people? go and watch those movies asap and let's compare our reviews.
i am supposed to go to kl today, to visit an uncle at sjmc. unfortunately i was unable to at the last minute. i have to attend a meeting with my task force member at resort safari sungai perak at 3pm today. thus my mom went there this morning with my dad instead. they dropped-by ipoh to fetch my another uncle, who's following them. i also asked them to pick-up something for a blogger friend, since i can't make it. the best thing here is i haven't met him. but he gonna meet my mom first hehe... good luck dude! ;)
its almost 11.45pm, i thought that might as well i try this feature before i go to bed. i saw many people posted theirs on the blogs. i used my recent pic taken by warren tan. kinda kewl... as my celebrity look-alikes were close to about five asian faces ;)
a friend has two child whom had just got their spm and stpm results recently. his next problem is to find funds for them to further their studies. to me, if wanted to think back of this, why didn't he start saving for them during their earlier age. now its too late already.
for me, my two life-diamonds, puteri and megat are lucky that i have indeed arranged for their education plan since they were small.
we all want the very best for our children. that they may excel in whatever they do and grow up to lead successful lives. to help them get there, we have to give them the best education has to offer.
but education costs. and good education costs even more.
before you know it, your child is ready for college and university. with the many choices at hand, the last thing you want is to have your child’s options limited because you haven’t put enough aside to pay for his/her education.
therefore, the need to plan early is critical.
education costs are spiralling every year and the longer you wait to save for your child’s education, the more it is going to cost you. don’t deprive your child of his/her dreams and an education he deserves.
start planning today for your child’s tomorrow and put him/her one step closer to his/her dreams.
blimey... i have been wanted to post this since i came back from taiping last sunday evening, buttttt time really did not permit me to do so :( i was there for some community programmes through-out from gunung semanggol to taiping area. its like a road-show you know. i won't describe it in details ;)
it was this time when we were at our forth location. after i gave out free balloons to kids, i waited for a while for the dj to start the event, for me to do my other responsibilities i.e. handling the gifts, mainly i have to work-along co-operate with the dj. i was looking up-front (menunglah gitu... ;)) when suddenly i started to do some steps to the tune of dua dunia by too phat feat ct. alright, felt a bit relaxed when i enjoyed myself dancing hehe...
all of us went to a restaurant somewhere in pekan simpang after we have completed all the five locations. the fried koay-teow looks good, not bad. i am not sure what's the name of the restaurant. the cook wore cowboy hat some more. maybe that's his trademark or something. we started to excuse ourselves around seven.
suddenly the dj approached me before i left. that shocked me as he never really talked with me. "hmm... kat mana you selalu p?", he asked me.
"hah?!!... p mana?".
"alar... cantik you bukak steps tadi". oh gosh... someone realized it mannn!!!.....
"Ooo... ala long time ago ler when i was in kl, memang selalu. but now no more since i came back here about four years ago".
"takde kaki ler. kalau i tau ada kaki memang ler i p".
"well... i also like you. since i came back to penang, takde p. now since i know you, ada kaki, boleh ler ye...".
hehe... see how ler ya kawan ;)
eventually yes... i love to go clubbing with friends when i was in kl. no matter which ever corners, just name it, we would definitely go i.e. dv8, 11LA, boom boom room, legends, phase2, fire, modestos, and many more. in other words, some people dunno that i love to dance. its like some kind of exercise too right.
and now that i've known some people around here that love music like me, maybe i would have company for penang island jazz festival this year huh?!! anyone wants to go, please e-mail me.
alright, c y'all... am gonna get ready for a badminton game tonight.
i was sleeping in the comfort of my cooling room since about 4.30pm today, when suddenly megat wake me up at around 8.30pm. wahh... so long meh? hehe... megat asked to go out for dinner at kat's kopitiam in town. then i searched for my fon and found it somewhere under those cushions. i checked, got few sms.
i returned Mr T's call who is in cameron highlands now. we chatted a bit. suddenly i thought of asking him to buy some tea that my grandmother like. its not boh or lipton tea. i definitely can't remember the name of the tea there and then. when in a seconds i knew that i could look for it in my blog! so i told him that i'll sms him later.
i quickly logged-in as soon as we came back from town, sign-in to blogger, searched for 'cameron highlands', voila! i clicked this post, and found out that the name of the tea is cameron valley. i sms Mr T. i am sure he would wonder of how good i am in remembering lol... that's because he dunno of the wonders of blogging! ;)
some of you may not know yet, that i am holding the position of vice president of pta of my former primary school. thus other than work commitment, i am also busy helping teachers to provide whatever the best for the school—i love my school so much. i do not like it to be left behind. so i was there this morning with the president, to give some support for standard six pupils. the school's pta organized a motivational programme for them.
i was walking at the corridor, to my 4wd. then i had been stopped by an indian girl. she called me cikgu (that's teacher in malay). from the way she talked and act, i understood that she is one of the special kids that is studying there. we continued chatting while walking. when we were about to reach the car-porch, another girl joined us. that malay girl is a special kids too. she looked at me and saw my blue butterfly ear-rings. "ehh... cantiknya (beautiful)", she said while touched it slowly. i dunno why,i felt so touched that i almost cry, but i tried to control myself. now both of the girls wanted to play with my fon. i told them nicely that its not something to be played. i asked them to stand together for me to take a pic of them instead. the malay girl asked me to give a copy of the pic to her (alright girl, insya allah i will give it to your teacher when i come back in about another two weeks or so). i kissed both of their cheeks before i go. i felt more touched when they smiled back at me.
aren't they adorable?
fyi, my former primary school now has about four or five co-add classes specially for special kids. during my time, it has only one class. they deserved to go to school to have good educations too.
i asked because some of you may not. maybe some of you people came here by co-incidence, stumbling in to my blog from search engine i.e. google or yahoo. i knew it as i always check my blog traffics via site meter. so you ain't can't run from me. i got all your ip number recorded ;)
btw a big kudos to emily for her article published in star r.age recently. hey guess what people... she featured me too! thanks dear auww... so now what are you non-bloggers waiting for? in fact i have just posted a tag about why i blog, few days ago. read about it here.
kuE's note: click on the above pic to view a larger one, so that you could read the full content of the article.
wahhh... i am sure all you people would wonder, of what lar kuE posted the above pics lol... well, its all about table manners problem that i encountered earlier this afternoon.
first, let me confess that (please refer pics) :—
to show that one has not yet finished eating, utensils must be placed in the four o'clock position,
they are placed in the six o'clock position when one has finished;
correct me if i am wrong?
i was at the pearl view hotel in butterworth this morning for a meet-the-gm session, who came all the way from kl. alright, thats fine. we had our lunch at the hotel's roof top cafe. my mobile was ringing, when i was about to finish my meal. then i quickly placed my fork and spoon as in four o'clock position (no. 1) before i answer the call. suddenly a waiter came to me when i was talking on the phone. he wanted to take-away my plate i tell you. i had to do sign-language with my other hand to show that i haven't finish eating. a few minutes after the waiter left, a waitress came to me and same thing happened.
once i have finished talking on the phone, i told a colleague who seated infront of me, "teruk lar depa ni kan?".
"young people", she replied me.
"muda tak muda... what i know from my experience, everyone should know this simple basic thingy especially those involved in f&b line", i told them.
all of them at my table just smiled.
not even few minutes later, shaidi came and asked me to sms something (only we knew ok lol) to all the other colleagues in our trading area—there were many people, so we can't find them all. now when i was sms-ing, another waitress came and wanted to take my plate too! argghhh... tension nye!!! i told her that i haven't finished. i continued eating. i placed my fork and spoon as in six o'clock position when i have finished (no. 2). minutes later, another waiter (i guess he was the supervisor this time) came and asked me whether he could take my plate. now, of course he can!... ;)
so, what say you?
kuE's up-date on 8/03/07;
DNAS, thank you so much for your comment. fyi i was in home science class as well. my teachers mrs chan and puan rahimah told us that the utensils must be placed upwards once we have done with our meal. alright, maybe its different everywhere. but from my experiences (even my parents taught me so too) and many research that i have done, they said the same thing. please click here to read more about dining etiquette, which is very good with full illustrations ;)
i attended a meeting at shaidi's place yesterday. the original plan for the community programme today has been postponed to tomorrow. ok that's fine (wahhh... definitely i can't attend the penang bloggers' hike). the best thing yesterday was that shaidi brought us to gunung lang recreational park, off jalan (road) kuala kangsar, that is located very near to his place. exit from north ipoh. we were all surprised with what the park got to offer. even some of my colleagues from ipoh also dunno about that place.
yes many local people still do not aware of this recreational place due to lack of publicity. however, i don't think this place is meant for tourists and there is little to offer. it's more of a place for the local people to hang out. if you don't have much time to spare in ipoh, i suggest you to skip this place and focus your time for looking out delicious food in ipoh. you will see a calm lake surrounded by limestone hills. at the far end of the lake is a recreational park and children's playground. in order to reach there, one must pay RM3 (adult) / RM1.50 (senior citizen) for a boat ride from the jetty. at the jetty, i can see the lake is teemed with large fish hungry for food but i don't see any eagles flying around here. at the entrance of the park, you can see a chinese temple built inside the limestone cave. note that in ipoh there are many chinese temples built around or inside limestone caves i.e. perak cave and sam poh cave. we like the place so much that we told albin, our tour guide that we gonna come again to organize a company's bbq. o yes, since albin knows shaidi very well, our trip including the boat ride there were f-o-c!
my dear blogger friend Warren Tan TL (we met last week) tagged me for this a couple of days ago, but i'm ummm.... lazy.... (Shhhh! don't tell anybody!)
i started my blog so that i could have an outlet for some of the stuff i had been through. because as awful as it was, i've got a powerful testimony to god's provision, love, and faithfulness through it all! and secrets lose their power when they are no longer secret.
i also thought that if i shared what we've been through, maybe i could connect with other people who had been through something similar. then, we could be a support to each other. because the one thing that was sorely lacking when this happened was someone that genuinely understood. i'm sorry it happened to someone else, but i praise god that my prayer to find someone who totally knew what i meant was answered. and i feel blessed to be able to offer support to her too.
i am terrible at writing in a journal, so i thought this was a good way to do some journaling, at least, it would hold my interest a little more, and it has :)
it gives me a chance to write things i wouldn't take the time to otherwise. i love writing, i know i'm not all that great at it, but when i grow up, i think i want to be a writer :P
it's a chance to connect with others. i've found others who blog who i would never be in communication with otherwise. i have connected with people whom i admire and respect very much, and they've caused me to think about things i wouldn't otherwise, and look at things a different way, and they've helped sharpen my faith.
so, i want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who take the time to blog. even if you believe that nobody would want to read what you have to say, i tell you that's not true. even if it means something to one person, it's worth it. i don't comment as much as i'd like because i'm... lazy... (SHHHH! DONT TELL ANYBODY!!!) but i'm reading as much as i can and i appreciate what you have to say!
on another note, a very special thanks to a bunch of bloggers that i met at the penang bloggers meet organized by Logic Yuan recently. if not because of blogging, i won't met all of you nice people! and if not because of blogging too, that i won't met Lydia Teh. also if not because of blogging too, that Camus won't have tracked my blog post on koleq and the rest is history ;)
now here's the next 5 lucky victims that i would like to tag....... so tell me, why do you blog?
yes, we'll know the day when everytime we passed-by mckk, and saw those budak koleq wore baju melayu with koleq's sampin. i like the colour. nice kan? fyi i am posting this via my nokia 6680, using the email feature by blogger; while waiting for megat, infront of his school. on the other hand, the above pic has been taken while i was stopping at the (red and yellow) zebra crossing at mckk.
date: 4 march 2007 (sunday) venue: sushi king, prangin mall destination : monkey beach, penang national park time: 8.00 am sharp; the bus is not going to wait attire: trekking attire
remember to bring along your own water and also some spare change if you wanna dip into the sea….! also do remember to prepare RM5 for public transport. the bloggers hike is open to all bloggers and you don’t necessarily have to be in attendance in the previous penang bloggers meet by logic yuan. all it takes is a fun and active blogger to attend! those interested to go for the hike please leave a comment at this entry.
kuE's note: when i read this on warren tan's blog, i thought, "arghh... i dunno whether i could make it". the thing is i am organizing a full-day community programme on saturday, 3 march 2007. once it finished, am sure that i am gonna be tired (?) and/or maybe like the usual thingy where i together with my other colleagues would go for makan-makan or something. anyhow, we'll see how k?
venue : federal hotel, skyroom, kuala lumpur date : 9 March 2007 time : 7 pm till 11 pm dress code : smart casual charge : RM35.00 — inclusive of buffet dinner (eat all you can la!) and drinks
kuE's note: this one sounds kewl too... but err, look at the date again, i am gonna be organizing another community programme during the weekend of 11 march 2007. now, is this really kewl or what?!! i know 5Xmom is going with her #2 son. i am really kinda bz this month with community programmes on almost all weekends, wahhhhh!!!.....
**but to all you people who still do not have plans for 3 and 9 march 2007, why don't you think of joining either one of the above events or both. come on people, let's broaden our blog circle. for me, i would definitely wanna, if i have the time ;)