Working together for a living planet

Saturday, March 03, 2007

5 reasons why kuE blog

my dear blogger friend Warren Tan TL (we met last week) tagged me for this a couple of days ago, but i'm ummm.... lazy.... (Shhhh! don't tell anybody!)

  1. i started my blog so that i could have an outlet for some of the stuff i had been through. because as awful as it was, i've got a powerful testimony to god's provision, love, and faithfulness through it all! and secrets lose their power when they are no longer secret.

  2. i also thought that if i shared what we've been through, maybe i could connect with other people who had been through something similar. then, we could be a support to each other. because the one thing that was sorely lacking when this happened was someone that genuinely understood. i'm sorry it happened to someone else, but i praise god that my prayer to find someone who totally knew what i meant was answered. and i feel blessed to be able to offer support to her too.

  3. i am terrible at writing in a journal, so i thought this was a good way to do some journaling, at least, it would hold my interest a little more, and it has :)

  4. it gives me a chance to write things i wouldn't take the time to otherwise. i love writing, i know i'm not all that great at it, but when i grow up, i think i want to be a writer :P

  5. it's a chance to connect with others. i've found others who blog who i would never be in communication with otherwise. i have connected with people whom i admire and respect very much, and they've caused me to think about things i wouldn't otherwise, and look at things a different way, and they've helped sharpen my faith.

so, i want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who take the time to blog. even if you believe that nobody would want to read what you have to say, i tell you that's not true. even if it means something to one person, it's worth it. i don't comment as much as i'd like because i'm... lazy... (SHHHH! DONT TELL ANYBODY!!!) but i'm reading as much as i can and i appreciate what you have to say!

on another note, a very special thanks to a bunch of bloggers that i met at the penang bloggers meet organized by Logic Yuan recently. if not because of blogging, i won't met all of you nice people! and if not because of blogging too, that i won't met Lydia Teh. also if not because of blogging too, that Camus won't have tracked my blog post on koleq and the rest is history ;)

now here's the next 5 lucky victims that i would like to tag....... so tell me, why do you blog?

kuE's note: i'll up-date the links when my victims have done theirs ;)