Working together for a living planet

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


i don't feel like blogging for the time being. the date typed above was a very bad date for me i guess. a very bad incident happened and this got somethin' to do with my posting on "friends". this is the time for us to know whose our real friends, truly friends, bad friends etc. etc. i'll get back here when everything is ok.

Saturday, July 23, 2005


after shower last nite, i send a sms to my friend V reminding him to bring back some ole-ole from bali. if i'm not mistaken he went there on thursday. i got his reply almost half past midnite. it seems that he has one bag full of souvenirs for me with all his travelling lol. he said that i was awfully quiet after the other day :0) hehe... i know that you are busy lar kawan, thats why i don't wanna disturb you. well i guess V is one of the closest friend of mine now.

i use to have a damn close group friends consist of four to five of us. sadly to say that we do not keep in touch anymore, few years after we left school. well maybe one is so near to me now (she's in ipoh), but its so hard to get in touch with her. its worst after she married few years ago. pheww... i was the busiest one during her wedding day but in the end i dunno whether she's too busy or can't even spare some time for "friends". i heard from a friend the other day that one of my "best friend" whose just came back from U.S. few months ago, was here recently. it seems that she is going to jakarta this 2nd august. well just imagine, i was the one who asked my friend (not close) whats my "best friend" doing, flying to overseas. "kerja", she said. huhu... i was kinda sad, when thinking about this.

i miss enjoying life with my best friends ~ whose always there to share secrets, ideas, hanging-out, movies, bowling etc.

i like seeing my dad and his school friends today. there were a bunch of them at home for lunch, cooked by my grandma. i could proudly say that my dad and his friends always keep in touch with each other often. mckk is having one of the biggest yearly event this week, from yesterday till tomorrow. its called mckk's old boys weekend. this is the time for all the budak koleq to balik kampung and meet/get-together with their former school friends, old and young. usually they play field games during the day and they will be having a reunion concert on saturday night. for this year, i heard vajiravudh college is here too for rugby match. my dad brought mom to koleq last nite to meet some of his friends. as usual he came back with the event' t-shirt. he also bought one for my son. yes, there's kids size too!. i didn't ask them anything, suddenly i heard my mom said that she saw suhaimi sulaiman. hmm... i knew u r there, but u dunno exactly who i am hehe...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

labu oh labu...

i was in ipoh again this morning for a meeting on the community programme in tanjung rambutan. although its quite tiring but fun tho' going up and down, here and there hehe...

here's a pic of the souvenirs for the programme that i've just collected from the shop. cute kan? they are now placed here in my office. as one of the committe member of my area, i'm in charge of gifts, so this is part of my job lor...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

kumpulan dewa pejuang yahudi

i got this article from a friend in . renungkanlah...

"Baru-baru ini, Indonesia telah digemparkan dengan insiden 10 April 2005 apabila Kumpulan Dewa, group terkenal di republik itu didakwa telah memijak kaligrafi kalimah ALLAH berbentuk bintang yang disiarkan secara langsung menerusi saluran Trans TV. Kaligrafi tersebut merupakan lambang album terbaru Dewa, Laskar Cinta. Ustaz Wahfiuddin, seorang pendakwah terkenal yang secara kebetulan menonton siaran langsung itu telah membuat aduan ke stesen TV tersebut, mendakwa logo yang dipijak oleh Dewa sebenarnya adalah kaligrafi kalimah "ALLAH'. "Orang yang mengenal huruf Arab dan sedikit faham mengenai seni akan langsung mengetahui bahawa logo di lantai yang diinjak-injak itu adalah kalimah "ALLAH", katanya. Aduan itu terus diberi perhatian oleh Pengarah Trans TV, Ishadi SK dan sudut penggambaran kamera diubah serta merta sehingga akhir pementasan. Pihak Trans TV bagaimanapun mengundang Ustaz Wahfiuddin ke stesen tersebut untuk berdepan dengan Ahmad Dhani selaku ketua kumpulan Dewa bagi merungkai kekusutan dan menjernihkan semula keadaan yang bersebab padakaligrafi dan dakwaan pendakwah tersebut. Wahfiuddin telah menunjukkan sendiri kepada Ishadi dan Ahmad Dhani sendiri sebuah buku berjudul 'The Cultural Atlas Of Islam' karya Prof. Dr Ismail Faruqi yang memaparkan imej bintang yang sama berupa tulisan kaligrafi Arab dari ungkapan 'LAFDHUL JALALAH' (ALLAH). Ahmad Dhani berusaha menafikan dengan mengatakan terdapatperbezaan antara 'LAFDHUL JALALAH' dan Laskar Cinta kerana lambang yang dipijakitu sudah dimodifikasikan. "Dhani telah memodifikasikannya dengan mengisi bahagian tengah dari huruf terakhir (ha). Tapi bagi orang yang mengenal huruf Arab,modifikasi itu tidak mengubah bentuk dan maknanya secarasignifikan," kata Ustaz Wahfiuddin.Didin Sirajuddin AR dari Lembaga Kaligrafi Al Quran (LEMKA) bersetuju bahawa lambang kaligrafi Laskar Cinta adalah simbolik dari kaligrafi Arab 'LAFDHUL JALALAH'. Apabila ditanya mengenai perbezaan seperti yang dinyatakan Ahmad Dhani, Didin berkata, lambang itu tidak sepenuhnya mirip tapi ia boleh dibaca dengan tulisan kufi (kubisme) sebagai ungkapan ALLAH.

Selepas pertemuan Wahfiuddin dan Ahmad Dhani, pengurus Dewa, Dian menganggap isu tersebut telah selesai. Kemelut itu bagaimanapun tidak reda sebagaimana yang dijangka. Berakar daripada konsert di Trans TV itu, ada pihak lain yang mahu menyelongkar cerita di belakang pentas muzik Dewa. Tokoh Budayawan, H Ridwan Saidi yang juga bekas Ahli Parlimen (DPR), pada 2 Mei 2005 lalu telah mengemukakan aduan kepada pihak berkuasa, meminta supaya kumpulan Dewa disiasat kerana disyaki menjadi AGEN PENYEBAR PROPAGANDA ZIONIS YAHUDI di repulbik itu. "Ini harus disiasat. Ada apa di belakang Dewa?" kata Ridwan dipetik dari majalah Saksi keluaran 22 Mei 2005. Menurut Ridwan lagi, Laskar Cinta bukan satu-satunya tindakan Dewa yang boleh dilihat sebagai usaha memperlekehkan Islam, bahkan telah bermula sejak album mereka yang pertama lagi dengan simbol yang membawa imej ZIONIS YAHUDI. Tokoh budayawan Indonesia, H Ridwan Saidi berkata, "Saya sebagai orang yang telah lama mempelajari dan mendalami Zionisme BERANI mengatakan bahawa ini (Kumpulan Dewa) merupakan usaha penyebaran simbol-simbol Yahudi yang terbesar dalam sejarah Indonesia." Bekas anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) yang kini dikenali sebagai tokoh budayawan pernah menjejakkan kaki ke Israel untuk mempelajari Zionisme dan agama yahudi.

Ridwan mendakwa, gambar piramid yang terdapat pada kulit album DEWA 19 (1992) adalah mirip lambang gerakan rahsia Zionisme (Illuminati) yangdicipta oleh Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830). Weishaupt adalahpemimpin gerakan 'Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria' (AISB), sebuah gerakan rahsia Masonic yang memperjuangkan doktrin Luciferic di bawah payung pertubuhan Freemason antarabangsa. Logo yang sama juga boleh ditemui pada wang kertas US$1 dengan moto NOVUS ODO SECLORUM yang bermaksud Tata Dunia Baru (New World Orde). Ini secara tidak langsung telah memberi maksud akan usaha gerakan Zionisme untuk menguasai dunia, apa yang telah mereka capai dalam pelbagai bidang termasuk muzik dan hiburan pada masa ini!!! Dalam album TERBAIK-TERBAIK (1995), Ridwan mendakwa simbol yang terpampang pada kulit album itu adalah imej DEWA RA (dewa matahari dalam metologi Mesir Kuno) yang diterima oleh penganut yahudi sebagai salah satu Tuhan mereka. Seperti orang Islam dan Kristian, Yahudi turut menyembah Allah yang dipanggil YHWH (Yehweh) tetapi TUHAN bagi mereka bukan ESA atau satu. YEhweh (Allah) sebaliknya dianggap sebagai LORD OF THE LORDS (Tuhan segala Tuhan) yang selain Allah ada lagi tuhan-tuhan yang lain. (Dalam album Laskar Cinta, Ahmad Dhani turut menyebut ALLAH SWT sebagai LORD OF THE LORDS)??? "Dalam album yang sama, ada pula satu halaman PROTOCOL OF ZIONS (Protokol Zionis) dalam bahasa Hebrew (bahasa Yahudi) yang siap dengan judul dan logo." katanya yang memang menguasai bahasa tersebut. Simbol Protocol Of Zions yang berbentuk mata menggambarkan perjuangan Zionis untuk 'memerhati' dunia dan menguasainya. Dikatakan mata itu juga adalah sempena mata OSIRIS, salah satu daripada dewa yahudi. Ada juga orang menganggap simbol mata satu itu adalah 'MATA DAJJAL' atau mata syaitan (Evil Eyes). Dalam album THE BEST OF DEWA 19 (1999), terdapat simbol panah dan garis lurus yang memotong salib. Itu merupakan salah satu simbol gerakan Freemason, pertubuhan yang menaungi segala kegiatan Zionisme antarabangsa melalui gerakan sulit dalam pelbagai bidang seperti kebajikan, ekonomi, politik dan sebagainya. Dalam album BINIMA (2000), gambar sayap yang digunakan merupakan simbol kumpulan THEOSOFIE, sebuah pertubuhan keagamaan Yahudi. ambang sayap juga adalah lambang rasmi DEWA yang turut digunakan dalam album ATAS NAMA CINTA I & II (2004). Album CINTAILAH CINTA (2002) pula memuatkan simbol EYE OF HORUS. Horus adalah Dewa Burung, salah satu dewa orang Yahudi yang berasal dari mitologi Mesir Purba. Selain itu, banyak terdapat simbol mata gerakan Freemason. Dalam album terbaru LASKAR CINTA (2005) turut mencetuskan kontroversi ialah lagu 'SATU' yang bagi Ridwan Saidi membawa mesej ajaran sesat WAHDATUL WUJUD yang dipelopori Sheikh Siti Jenar yang turut dikenali dengan penggilan AL HALLAJ. Dalam kata-kata aluan di kulit album, Ahmad Dhani sendiri dikatakan mengesahkan 'hubungan' itu dengan ungkapan :"THANKS TO: AL-HALLAJ" manakala di bawah lirik tersebut pula terbdapat ucapan :"THANKS TO SYEKH LEMAN ABANG". 'SYEKH LEMAN ABANG' adalah nama lain bagi SHEIKH SITI JENAR!!! Satu lagi kontroversi yang dicetuskan apabila Ahmad Dhani dalam ruangan kata-kata aluan menulis: "DHANI THANKS TO...JAN PIETER FREDERICH KOHLER(THANKS FOR THE GEN)" yang bermaksud :"DHANI BERTERIMA KASIH KEPADA...JAN PIERTER FREDERICH KOHLER (TERIMA KASIH ATAS DARAH KETURUNANNYA). Ridwan mendakwa, Jan Pierter Frederich Kohler yang disebut Ahmad Dhani merupakan nama datuk dari keturunan sebelah ibunya, Joyce Theresia Pamela Kohler. KOHLER katanya adalah nama keluarga atau nama marga orang Jerman. "Dhani ternyata begitu bangga akan darah keturunannya itu." kata Ridwan.

Kini terlerailah sudah tanda tanya mengapa selama ini dia sering mengenakan kalung yang berloket Bintang David, simbol zionis seperti yang terdapat pada bendera negara Israel. (Pada lewat tahun 1990an dulu, seorang artis wanita Malaysia juga pernah mencetuskan kontroversi kerana memakai loket simbol yang sama). Renungkanlah dan fikirkanlah sebelum terlajak jauh. Seluruh negara, bangsa dan agama di dunia ini mengakui alam nusantara , terlalu kuat pegangan Islamnya. Dikatakan sehingga kini bangsa paling berpengaruh iaitu bangsa yahudi terlalu sukar untuk menembusi akal pemikiran bangsa melayu di alam nusantara untuk mengikut agama mereka. Ini juga merupakan salah satu cara gerakan yahudi untuk menghancurkan Islam di sebelah Timur. Jangan kita menjadi bangsa Arab, telah lemah segala-galanya dengan tekanan Zionisme. Perlu diingat, selepas rantau timur Tengah telah dapat mereka kuasai, Zionis akan datang ke Timur atas sebab-sebab yang telah mereka rancangkan ratusan tahun dahulu. Sekian."

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

tqsm "V"

i just came back from meeting V in ipoh +/-1.5hrs ago. it was unplan actually. i also can tell you that only once in a blue moon he contacts me as he is a damn busy man. so meaning that if he does, i would be lucky and we will try our best to meet. well for me, i seldom get in touch with him because i know hows his schedule like ~ damn weird one you know.

the earlier story was like this. i was in my office, working as usual, after fetched my son from his chinese kindy. it was around 12.45pm, i received a sms from V asking about my cameron trip. i told him that it was quite stressfull as that was my first time driving there. too bad that i used the tapah road. i heard through my other colleague that there's a new nice road via simpang pulai, maybe next time huh?!! i also told him that i wished to relax myself by visiting spa unfortunately i do not have the time for all that yet. i was damn surprised when he told me that he will give me a good full body massage as he was in ipoh for the day. actually he was in pasir salak that time. so we promised to meet at his place. i only went off after i fetched my daughter. when i reached there, he was already waiting for me ;)

V held my hand and pulled me to his room. he asked me to lie down, started massaging me, using some baby oil. was a more than one hour damn nice session. i had a good warm shower, after him. i guess let this all be between us. he has a meeting around 4pm thats why it was a quick one. he will drop-by at his sister's place in tambun after the meeting and will drive straight to kl soon after, maybe around 6 or 7pm.

i did told V about my intention to buy an apartment in cameron highlands for my holidays. he advised me not to as it is cheaper in the long run to rent whenever i wanna go. besides, its just so close that i could go there anytime i want. ok lor... kena dengar cakap pakar... lol. this is his line anyway hehe...

Monday, July 18, 2005

i miss cameron highlands so... much

hie. i'm at work now but am not feeling so good ~ like going to have some flu, also that i have a very bad stomach-ache, grr...

yea... i guess that i do miss cameron highlands. i went there last friday, drove my 4wd all alone straight-up to the equatorial hotel, the only resort situated at the highest accessible point of the highland. there were some funny experience there tho' but unfortunately i do not have the mood to type more at this moment. in fact i didn't even load the pics yet. maybe i'll get back here when i'm o.k., along with some pics ;)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

good boss equals satisfied worker

good morning everyone!

actually i dun intend to post yet as i have so many things to settle here. but since my staff brought these nice kueh (left pic) for me just now, i'm so proud to show u here some of our local "kueh". these were cucur cempedak and apam. nak bodek i ke ni? lol... no lar... actually i'm very close with my staff, treating them like my own brothers. i dun have female staff because i believe that only guys are good in this type of working environment. besides that, girls like to gossip. thats not my style. anyway used to have two female staff when i first took-over from my auntie about two years ago. alhamdullillah... they quit themselves after few months, not my fault! both of the girls, like i told u earlier, had their mouth moving but not in the way that it supposed to be. since both of them left, i decided not to take anymore girls. i tried to employ one last year as a cashier but after almost a year, i have to fire her because of her attitude problem. tak serik-serik lagi kan? but then i tried my best again a month after that girl left. this new girl was a police's daughter, only work for two months as she wanna further her study in johor. everything here now is all good and under control :)

i do celebrate staff brithdays together with all of them. this really surprised them as some of them never had the chance to enjoy this with their own family. thats what make them like to work with me i guess :) i send one of my staff to a supervisor course in subang few months ago. it seems that when the participants were asked to tell something unique about their working place, my staff mentioned about this to the lecturer. they were obvoiusly surprised as no other boss practise this.

my staff also could share their problems with me. they could either asked to see me individually or write to me if they do not have the guts to tell me. anyway i always remind them about the difference of working and leisure time. even i also "turun padang" whenever i feel to, meaning that i work together with them.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


i just came back from a monthly meeting at the ipoh sales office about 1.5 hrs ago. what i wanna do shortly is to type the meeting minutes and fax it to ipoh as soon as possible then file it straight away. thereafter i dun have to worry about my side jobs because there are still a lot of stuff to be prepared here, at least before i leave for my one week holiday.

there will be a community program plus meeting in cameron highlands on saturday morning. that means i have to be there by friday nite. while few days before i fly, there is another community program, in tanjung rambutan. from there, i'll go straight to kuala lumpur as i'm bringing my daughter to watch a ballet show at istana budaya called "wild zebra". oh gosh... anyway i heard from puteri's ballet teacher that the show should be good. its from china. she is going too.

ok lor... back to work. i'll update whenever i have time ;)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

blogs addicts

yes its true... thats me! i guess this blogs thing really makes my mind wanna think a lot and eager to try so many new stuff especially in this cyber world. i'm not the IT gal, 'can do lar...'. my sister is really into this business but i dun dare to ask her. i think i would rather try to venture this myself.

i've changed my page lay-out. i like this one better as it looks more classic, soft and damn cute. i think this is in-line with my interest in english/country style. even my bedroom too! i would feel damn relax when i'm sleeping there especially with the coolness of the air-conditioner. i got one of my staff to help me to paint it last year. its white with yellow as the feature wall. its not completely ready yet tho'. i wanna order a built-in cupboard (in the mid of saving ;) ), also to paint my antique bed and desk white to match with the wall. my bedroom theme is definitely gonna be BUTTERFLY!!! which is my all time favourite. the picture shown above is only part of my room. i'll post more as soon as its ready :)

alright, V called yesterday evening when i brought grandma to the clinic. he was calling from ipoh, telling me that he will be in alor setar last nite. he is having a meeting there the following morning (today). i did ask him to drop-by on his way back to kuala lumpur today. it seems someone is following him back. i told him, "kot nak makan kat tepi sungai ke... lol". anyway he said that he will let me know if he wanna stop here.

Monday, July 11, 2005

to the people of london

i'm sorry this was brought to your doorstep. we're all thinking of you and sending you much love. stay strong.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

no more dread locks!

two of my cousins rose stump and zaido were having this dread locks style. one was done in ukraine and another from australia respectively. both were studying there that time.

i can't believe my eyes this morning when rose stump came to our house. he had his hair-cut damn short! he has no other choice as he is going to further his studies in jakarta. he is going there next week for an interview. hehe... well, everybody were happy tho'... my dad gave him RM10.00 as a reward. while my mom has promised him for RM5.00 if he cut his hair... rotfl. way to go totam!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


what a technology! i was browsing thru my maxis' web portal when i found this "cartoon-me". i decided to try it. so i read the simple instructions and mms my self-taken pic from my nokia 7250i. then within seconds i got a confirmation sms saying that they have charged me RM5.00 and will mms me the cartoon pic whithin two days. i heard an incoming msg tone frm my fon this morning when i was about to wake-up. as soon as i checked it, i said to my self, "fuyoo... canggihnya". hehe... i smiled looking at my cartoon pic ;)

hmm... there's more than gprs now... 3G! i just check-out about this in the maxis web-site. it seems, 3G is six times faster than GPRS and three times faster than EDGE. looks like i have to start saving for a new fon! lol...

Monday, July 04, 2005

another (1/2) mat salleh...

...that i know is V. his dad is malay and his mom is orang putih. he told me this himself last time when he saw my eyes were like one kind, looking at him lol. ye lar... handsome giler u. so whats the heck, huh?!!

mat salleh

david called this morning around same time like few weeks ago when he called me. we didn't talk much cuz' i have to get up and start my day. it was monday morning and kids were going to school! it was +/- 2pm sunday in canada. so our time difference is about 16 hours!!!

he told me that he misses me so much. he also mentioned about his intention of being with me, to be my life partner. hey its not wrong rite. he has many muslim friends there especially the arabic and pakistan people. he even followed them to some of the mosque there to learn more about my religion.

hmm... even my cousin winnie has a danish bf named roonie (dunno whether the spelling is correct), too. i have met him once before with winnie during a cousin's wedding in ipoh. nice lor... mat salleh tu pakai baju batik... ;) if i'm not mistaken he plays violin with a very well-known orchestra in the city. thats where they (winnie & roonie) met i guess hehe...

i know some people might don't like the idea to have a mat salleh partner. well who cares as long as the guy is the mr. right that i am looking for. besides, its hard to find good local guyz these days!