i awoke this morning, to find whatsapp text from ken sent last night, the friend who left me alone on saturday. he is more or less recovered. i called him on monday as i wasn’t satisfied at all — i know he’s a good guy and was wondering of what had happened to him. or there must be something wrong somewhere. he failed to response me. he text me instead saying that he was hospitalized on saturday morning for severe gastric attack. ok. at least i was relieved then. in his text earlier, he also mentioned he was just tired of those bland food and glucose he had to take. anyhow he’s still a bit weak but at least can move a bit better.
besides happy and glad to know he is getting better now, i asked him not to complaint if not how is he going to recover. right people? he agreed with my point though.
this always made me thinking why people like to complaint so much.
when i was younger i used to just sit around and mope about the bad things that happened and say poor me why did this happen to me but then i decided that there will be no one who will change this so i need to pick myself up and try again until i succeed. there are always reasons to find for "poor me" and they may be good reasons but they should not be excuses for not moving forward!
if you don't like something, change it. if you can't change it, change your attitude. don't complain. ~maya angelou
if we spend too long in limbo (read: work, relationship, lifestyle, location, addiction) complaining about the problem we eventually congeal with the problem. there’s a blurred line between comfortable, complacent and defeated.
cynicism, anxiety, the grey area, analysis paralysis and limbo all play poker together on a tuesday night, chomping cigars. choose your circle of influence with caution, cynicism attacks the effect of the problem and is a monster that feeds on itself; it’s the easy way out.
are you in limbo? attack the problem, not the effect. analyse – decide – climb – jump.