Tuesday, October 19, 2010
mycharity: water
haluuu... & apa khabar, people?
gosh! it's kinda tough to update this blog frequently these days. alright, leave a side all those problems for a while; let us all do a lil' bit of charity.
i found that scott harrison did wonders to people of central republic of africa through his charity work at charity: water. and so i decided to join in and help. this is my lil' bid to be hand-in-hand with all of you people around the world to bring awareness to the impact of lack of clean water has globally. i understand that 4000 children die each day due to illnesses from lack of clean drinking water.
i am turning 39 on may 13, 2011.
so i am not scared of turning 39 anymore. in fact, i am celebrating my birthday like never before. i am giving up my birthday for clean water!
i'm asking for $39 [or 39 in whatever currency you wish to donate, then please convert it to US Dollars i.e. http://xe.com; or even $1] from everyone i know - and every penny of the money raised will go directly to fund freshwater wells in developing nations. even better, every dollar is "proved" when the projects are complete, and photos and GPS coordinates are posted using google earth.
my goal is to raise $8,034 by my birthday. why so much? well it's simple: there will be 206 days more to my upcoming birthday. so i figured if i could get at least $39 everyday until the big day... voila!
please consider helping me by clicking to this page. this campaign will be ended on 18 january 2011.
thank you...
"its blessed to give than received"

Sunday, October 10, 2010
connect to a math tutor for free at Tutornext.com
I noticed that many students these days have bad grades particularly in Math because nobody could assist them well at home. As a concerned parent, make sure you read this article to know of how to make your kids get better scores in their Math class. You can get the best Math tutor online from Tutornext.com .
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*this sponsored post is brought to you by kuE for Tutornext.com

Thursday, October 07, 2010
remember 3 good things
there will be days when there seems like nothing is going well. the back pain is flairing, the co-worker next to you finds it funny when he is a little extra annoying, and you can’t seem to get anything done (constantly interrupted).
a few weeks ago i felt like this and i remembered a great technique that always helps.
remember 3 good things.
i learned this trick from a good on-line friend of mine.
at the end of your day on your commute home (or if you work from home before you leave your home office) – remember 3 good things that happened to you that day.
they can be the tiniest things ever.
they could be:
- the first cup of coffee you had this morning.
- the bird chirping outside your window.
- seeing your children's face before they go to school that could make you smile all day.
whatever you can find, just focus on those three things and watch what happens. you will notice your mood change in a positive way.
this is a natural reaction. when you focus on the good stuff in your day, it’s a little reminder that there are good things in your life.
what are 3 good things that have happened in your day so far? let’s talk in the comments section.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010
the early morning breeze has a secret to tell you~
current mood: blessed
i rolled over at 4:23 am. in my mind i counted the hours of sleep. as i did the math in my head i wondered if it was enough to sustain me through out the day. however, once my mind got into motion i knew that returning to 'la-la land' would be a challenge so i got up. i opened all the room windows and smelled the fresh-air. the skies are still dark as night, the streets are quiet and i don't even hear the rumblings of my early bird neighbors. this is why i sometimes love the darkness that begins the day. i believe that it is God awakening you so that something important can be revealed to you during this time. most of us resent having our sleep disturbed when we would be better off listening to spirit and moving into action. today, i decided to be obedient so i am up.
it is october 6th and 2011 will soon be upon us. i love this time of the year. it is not because of the hoildays, but moreso because of the idea of 'new beginnings'. the new year offers us a chance to start again or at least it seems that way. even as i type this short entry i am distracted by my desire to declutter my place, reorganize things and begin writing out my goals. i want to write letters of apology, forgiveness and gratitude. while in pj recently i met the most incredible human being, a fascinating individual who has shifted my paradigm in ways that i did not expect. we had simple conversations, yet they were so impactful. i began to ask myself certain questions and as the answers came i was able to return to kualé with so much clarity. now, i need to pray for the courage to act on what i feel, what i know.
i am itching to sort laundry and unpack my bags, yes, didn't do much yesterday. but am thinking of what my angel said to me about approaching life as a pursuit of wins. i am unable to clearly articulate his point, but he used the example of how many successful comedians die sad, lonely and depressed as a way to make his point. eish! i really want to write his explanation, but it has left my head. the mind is playing tricks on me this morning. maybe it is just too early. lol. i must remember to ask him when we speak again so i can share the insight. anyway, i think this is my cue to focus on creating order in my home right now. i just got back. be well. stay warm.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010
this blog is belongs to a 'babe'
when i saw the message left by 'MyBeauty' in my chat box, i wonder whether he/she is a truthful people that really knows of what is the meaning of 'dude'(?)... hah! i doubt that although you stumbled in to my blog for the first time, i am very sure that you could guess the blog owned by a female. i don't think it looks masculine enough to show that this blog belongs to a man! or else he/she was a hacker! i don't even dare to click on the link provided ☹
so here's the interpretation of 'dude' as per AudioEnglish.net :
• DUDE (noun)
The noun DUDE has 2 senses:
1. an informal form of address for a man
2. a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance
Familiarity information: DUDE used as a noun is rare.
*read more here
basically "dude" is a slang term for a man, first used by cowboys. "dudette" is sometimes used as a slang term for a woman in surfer slang.
dudes were originally the same as fops - men who dressed in the latest fashion without regard for practical clothing. cowboys meant this term as an insult - surfers changed the meaning around and began using it as a friendly term for any male.
**more explanations on 'dude' can be read here
to: 'MyBeauty'
whoever you are, i am a babe, occay?!!...
babe is a very loosely used word these days. i get called "babe" and "baby" by guys AND girls that i am friends with.
i will admit i don't like it when somebody i don't know calls me by these names. but for friends it is fine.
remember - actions speak louder than words!

Sunday, October 03, 2010
sneak peek: yuna's live performance
hey, peeps! i was there at "celebration of amazing skin" by vaseline, a nuffnang community event last night. and as usual when you joined a nuffnang's event i could see all the attendees including myself enjoyed ourself so much. can't say more.
here's a sneak peek of the talented yuna's live performance. i will try my very best to get the pics and blog post out as soon as possible though~

Posted by
ku E
1:54 PM
Labels: artist, celebrate amazing skin with vaseline, music, nuffnang, sneak peek, vaseline, yuna
Saturday, October 02, 2010
the day i had a very simple lunch~
yes i could say that this must be a very simple lunch i have ever had so far. i obviously not on a diet (take note that my current waist is 25½" hiks!) but this is enough for now: starbucks' crème brûlée frappuccino® with sunny side egg sandwich... ツ
alright the good thing about this easy-peasy lunch was the sandwich used wholemeal bread. and the bad thing: the drink was sooooo sweeettttt i tell you, of course because of the crème brûlée. but i love it that the coffee taste still there. so i saved RM10 for the voucher that i got from CIMB recently, not forgetting a RM2 discount for using my own tumbler.
p/s see you all later nuffnangers!

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