Working together for a living planet

Saturday, October 01, 2005


this is the 2nd time i got this experience. it was so damn hard for me to browse-thru ANY site this morning. i was very happy when i got thru but... grr... s--- so this is being the 2nd time i'm, typing this story again lor...

i was doing my laundry at our backyard this morning. my grandma was there too feeding the cats, also doing some of her other daily routines i.e. water the plants etc. suddenly my son came to join us and his conversations with grandma really tickled me ;)

son : onyang, macam mana kucing beranak.
grandma : hah... macam orang ler... perut buncit tu dia beranak lar...
son : tapi macam mana onyang, depa kahwin ke (hahaha... i already laughed to myself at this point).
grandma : heh... ada ke... budak-budak mana boleh cakap macam tu tak baik.
son : hmm... mana lar cik lan tau, ingat kan depa kahwin macam orang.