Monday, October 31, 2005
safety first
Sunday, October 30, 2005
happy deeparaya...

Saturday, October 29, 2005
why now?
Friday, October 28, 2005
kuE's blogging type is...
...Logical and Principled |
Thursday, October 27, 2005
nak bodek ke ni?
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
need i say more
V (26/10/2005 2:56:51 PM): hi
kuE: alo
kuE: not as bz as u lar
V: :-P
V: apasal nak cari keje dgn i??
kuE: kena explain ke
V: only if u want to...
kuE: now tak convenient lar, staff ada dgn i now
V: ok la... just thought i'd say hi.. nanti u kata i sombong plak..
kuE: :-P
kuE: anyway... ada ke?
V: that's another long story...
kuE: like what
V: nanti la i cite
kuE: so secretive meh?
V: ada la
kuE: so when lar agaknya tu
V: nanti i call ok?
kuE: u bz lar, i know
V: ya la... nak raya la... nak tutup kedai
kuE: when is your holiday starts
V: this weekend
kuE: o ok
V: nanti i call la
V: ok?
kuE: ok boss
V: ok' take care
kuE: alrite u too
kuE's power colour is...
... GOLD! |
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
raya fever
Thursday, October 20, 2005
al-fatihah to datin seri endon mahmood
Monday, October 17, 2005
i've been tracked!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
kuE's balak?
Saturday, October 15, 2005
seven -- tagged
i have been tagged by Leilanie with a 7. thanks kawan.
here we go with 7 things thingy from kuE
seven things i plan to do (Insya-Allah) before i die:
1. haj.
2. see my kids turn into fine muslim human beings.
3. settle well before i'm old. take care of myself, look my best, generally maintain myself better.
4. make more people actually BELIEVE that you don't have to have a Degree to be successful, an expert in your field or intelligent. that's me!
5. have free time to finish all my UFOs and be the first malaysian to display his/her quilts in a solo exhibition (boleh ke ni? hehe...).
6. to become somewhat of a world traveler going to places like Egypt, Italy, Morocco, India and the UAE.
7. be very knowledgeable about Islam, and be even more consistent in my prayer timing, doa’s, and have enough time to set aside just for praying a bit extra, and increase my ilmu. amin.
seven things i can do:
(you missed this one kawan)
1. decorate. i love to decorate!
2. sew and make quilts. (ref. to no. 5 in the above answer) anyhow i'll post some of my quilt pics someday ;)
3. drive as fast as i can. i lurrvveee to do this when i drive alone
4. customer service. i am very good in this i.e. hospitality industry
5. bake a great shortbread buiscuits
6. chat on the fon with a closed one (namely friends) for more than two hours
7. temberang a bit, esp those times when i was a secretary in a building constructions company in sj hehe...
seven things i cannot do:
1. complete complex math problems
2. be an accountant
3. have an indian boyfriend/husband (i know this one quite sensitive to some, but really, i cannot do this at all!!! sorry)
4. eat seafood
5. avoid chocolates
6. left home without bringing my fon
7. participate in the fear factor programme (survivor or the apprentice: donald ok! can't wait for the apprentice: martha to be screened here anyway)
seven celebrities crushes:
(in alphabetical orders)
1. anuar zain
started when i was 12, zaman “kain pelikat”. eee… shy lor lol. cikgu razak was my music teacher. anuar used to come to his house (huhu... now this house has been demolished to one of the koleq's dormitory) during school holidays and the rest were history. now, juz biasa-biasa je.
2. bros
heart throbs during the 80s
3. cliff richard
is it because my dad sangs his songs (budak koleq, remember the wanderers? *glurp*) that i like him. anyhow he's one true great artist. no drugs, no tobaccos, nothing.
4. donny osmond
donny & marie osmond, also the osmond brothers are my all-time favs until now. i used to ask my dad to spin their cassettes (yes, cassettes) esp donny & marie all the way to balik kampung when my dad was based in kluang last time around the 70's. just imagined, the long hours journey those times plus the same singers singing non-stop! lol
5. george clooney
i like his movies a lot
6. richard marx
famous in 80s as well, that his songs are still one of the best now
7. tom cruise
i dunno, maybe because he's handsome ;)
seven things i say most often:
1. darling/sayang (for puteri & megat)
2. kewl!!
3. shit (when damn angry of course)
4. damn
5. lor
6. yea… yea…
7. plus many others that only applicable for those 18SGG++ hahaha…
seven things that attracts me to the opposite sex :
1. no body odour
2. intelligence
3. maturity but not a stick in a mud
4. looks (particularly a cheeky smile and lovely eyes)
5. grace
6. honesty
7. that indefinable 'spark'
seven people i want to do this with :
1. kay -- i dunno whether she has a blog.
2. azmi
3. testedDNA
4. suhaimi sulaiman
5. fakhrul imran
6. the first budak koleq who found this *ahaks* (except u Suhaimi)
7. the first budak kelipot who found this *grins*
note for no. 6 & 7: if u all know who i am, mati lar i rotfl no lar... lol. btw please let me know ok, so that i could place a link to your site/blog :)
Friday, October 14, 2005
the real truth about girls
1. gossip isnt a sin. its an art.
2. we arent ashamed to cry.
3. we must go to the bathroom in groups.
4. we have this thing called feelings.* dont hurt them. *
5. we dont wake up looking pretty. it takes time and effort. **
6. sometimes is just never quite enough.
7. we need girls nights OFTEN.
8. we hold grudges and we never forget the things you say to us that hurt.
9. it doesnt matter who dumped who or why. whenever we see an ex with another girl, it always bothers us. not
because were not over you, but because we know we used to be that girl.
10. makeup can hide so many things, like puffy eyes from crying to huge scars from a broken heart.
11. never ever ask a girl what she weighs; or imply anything about her weight being too much or too little. just don`t
do it. (kuE: i dun mind ;) )
12. never ask a girl if shes being so bitchy cause of PMS...cause other things annoy us...duh
13. as much as we say we didnt like u that much...we did
14. girls notice every little thing so be careful what you say and do.
15. our eyes are located in our heads. not our chest or butt. when youre not looking in our eyes, WE KN0W.
16. we get a feeling in our gut when things are wrong (seriously true).
17. sometimes we trust you because we want to even when we know you are lying, and it hurts.
if you agree. repost and make the subject " the truth about girls"
and if u dont repost this your going to turn into a boy over night (hahaha)if you agree repost this with (THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT GIRLS)
kuE's note: got this from here.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
harley for sale?
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
V: hey there
kuE: hie
V: how hv u been?
kuE: ok lor
V: at d !@#%* ?
kuE: yup
V: bz?
kuE: biasa lar. u?
V: been bz. doing some corp restructuring
kuE: must b damn bz i guess
V: ye la
kuE: betul what
V: of course
V: i dah pindah tau
V: i think nicer hse in bandar baru tambun
V: 2storey terrace
kuE: i thought u dun need big one
V: smaller... but nicer
kuE: ooo ok
V: how hv u been?
kuE: hmmm dtg tak bgtau pun
kuE: so far so good i guess
V: dtg kejap2 je la
V: tak nak kacau u
kuE: ye ke
V: ala.. dtg tak sempat nak apa2 pun
kuE: hi hi bye bye huh?!!
V: a'a
V: something like that.. spending most of my time in kl
kuE: ok
V: u pun senyap gak
kuE: u bz, tak mau kacau jugak
V: :-P
kuE: eee jahatnya
V: hows the puasa month been?
kuE: ok, getting more thinner. dan lar 5 days :))
V: ayo... just dont lose that sweet ass of yours... ;)
kuE: oikk... i think ade lar +/- 41kgs lol
V: got add bit more weight la
V: actually got a confession to make to u... even puasa month got to tell u
kuE: whats that
kuE: :-?
kuE: sowey puter hang
V: ok?
kuE: u wr saying sumthin' juz now
V: my confession...
kuE: whats that
kuE: :-?
kuE: :
Saturday, October 08, 2005
technology wow...
anyhow we reached here by 5, immediately relaxing by reading some mags. firstly i thought i would get some nap. after some time i guess of coming up here cuz i know they alwiz have something new. anyhow i continued relaxing at the couch infront of the tv. within a few mins i decided to look around. i was tremendously shocked seeing 2 PCs (1 at the family room and 1 in my cousin Z's room here) and 1 laptop, all online at the same time. i hooked here instead. suddenly my cousin N (Z's big sister) appeared from downstairs. she came towards me, smiling, while saying... "best kan... semua online sekali. mike* pun kalau dari office, sambungkan wireless ke bilik mike*, teman* rasa boleh. hmm... boleh tau, best!". yea... what a damn good idea. maybe you (N) could help when you balik kampung for raya. unfortunately maybe she dunno that i need to get a new one as my laptop is not working dammit. thats why i seldom online from my bedroom now. well N is in the IT line anyway, that makes her really a puter savvy. she was with WYWY before but got a better offer with the current company that i'm not really know.
*note: those words are from the perak state dialect ~
1. mike means you ("awak" in malay).
2. teman means i/me ("saya" in malay)
when the bough breaks
Friday, October 07, 2005
selamat berpuasa
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
weekend up-date
this pic was taken on 22 september 2005, when i went there with 2 of my staff